Values promoted by the structural engineer
The structure is the fundamental, but often invisible, element of a building.
However, its cost represents only a small part of the overall investment, even for complex structures.
If the structure is well designed, well calculated and well detailed, the building will perform well and its maintenance will be trouble-free.
Any defect, error or negligence in the design or calculation will result in disorders that affect the durability, occupancy, performance of the finishes and therefore the value of the building.
When designing the framework, while cost must always be a concern, it is important to bear in mind all the factors that will influence the physical behaviour of the construction: "nature of the soil, foundations, water table, neighbouring buildings, spans, loads, deformations, finishing materials, thermal movements, shrinkage, etc.".
Working in a team spirit with the architect and the special techniques engineer, the structural engineer must design a structure that harmoniously integrates the fluids and techniques of the building.
The integration of all these factors, taking into account the client's programme, the architectural, technical, budgetary and time constraints, will lead to the MOST APPROPRIATE solution, i.e. the most economical and safest, which in no way excludes audacity or originality!
The structural engineer is first and foremost the "ADVISER" of his client. Their relationship is based on trust and the notion of quality of service. The level of fees must allow for this high quality service, while guaranteeing the profitability of the design office.
The structural engineer is and must remain independent of any financial group, and carries out his mission in complete freedom, with the sole aim of defending his client's interests, and with the primary objective of optimising his property investments.